Sacred Meditation / Retreat

Sacred Meditation / Retreat

Founded on mindfulness and spiritual rejuvenation principles, our Sacred Meditation/Retreat service offers a transformative experience crafted to nurture the mind, body, and spirit. This service is deeply rooted in the teachings of its visionary founder, Charlene Reeves , a renowned spiritual guide and meditation expert with a lifelong commitment to holistic well-being.

Charlene Reeves’s journey began in the sacred mountains of Peru, where she immersed herself in studying ancient meditation practices and wisdom traditions. Inspired by her profound experiences and the transformative power of meditation, Charlene dedicated her life to sharing these ancient teachings in a contemporary context, making them accessible to individuals seeking inner peace and spiritual growth.

Our Sacred Meditation/Retreat service is designed as a sanctuary for self-discovery and renewal.  Retreat participants have the opportunity to embark on guided meditation sessions led by experienced instructors, drawing inspiration from diverse traditions such as mindfulness, Zen, and transcendental meditation.   Charlene Reeves’s teachings serve as the foundation, emphasizing the importance of connecting with one’s inner self to cultivate a sense of inner calm and spiritual clarity.

The retreat takes place in a serene and tranquil setting, providing a respite from the demands of daily life. Participants engage in daily meditation sessions, mindful movement practices, and reflective exercises, fostering a deep sense of presence and connection.  Charlene’s guidance permeates the retreat, offering insights on aligning spiritual principles with practical aspects of modern living.

The benefits of our Sacred Meditation/Retreat are multifaceted. Participants often report reduced stress, improved emotional well-being, and heightened clarity and purpose. The immersive nature of the retreat allows individuals to disconnect from external pressures, facilitating a profound inner journey. Under Charlene’s guidance, the sacred meditation practice empowers participants to integrate mindfulness into their daily lives, promoting sustained well-being beyond the retreat duration.

This service is open to individuals of all backgrounds, whether seasoned practitioners or those new to meditation.   Charlene’s approach embodies inclusivity and a deep respect for diverse spiritual paths. Our Sacred Meditation/Retreat is not just an escape but an invitation to embark on a sacred journey toward self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual renewal.

  • Location of Training is in Peru, with the Shipibo people.