

The SCIO, a Quantum Biofeedback device, is a cutting-edge holistic system developed by a former NASA scientist with over 25 years of research. This non-invasive technology utilizes a headband, ankle, and wrist straps to send cellular-level electromagnetic signals into the body. By measuring minute electromagnetic signals at the cellular level, the SCIO aims to provide a painless and safe approach to holistic health.

Homeopathic remedies, considered subtle-energy medicines, contain the vibrational signature of the plant they derive from. The SCIO, based on tri-vector analysis and Fourier algorithms, was developed by Professor William Nelson in 1995. It measures over forty virtual dimensions, including amperage, voltage, capacitance, and inductance, providing a detailed evaluation of the patient’s condition. This allows the identification of potential issues before they manifest physically.

The device operates on the principle that impaired resistance to infections and diseases may be linked to subtle energy weaknesses at the etheric or higher levels. By analyzing dysfunctional changes in the etheric body, the SCIO aims to act preventatively. It can send corrective frequencies to weakened areas, promoting efficient healing when coupled with patient cooperation in lifestyle changes.

The SCIO has found application among various health professionals, including allopathic and holistic practitioners such as medical doctors, oncologists, naturopaths, homeopaths, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists, acupuncturists, veterinarians, and nutritional consultants.

Functioning like a virus scan on a computer, the SCIO scans the client’s body for viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities, and food sensitivities. It comprehensively reports biological reactivity and resonance, indicating the body’s needs, dysfunctions, and vulnerabilities.

In summary, the SCIO device represents a fusion of traditional healing practices and modern technology, offering a comprehensive and preventative approach to health by measuring and balancing subtle electrical factors in the body.